Three days ago Brad graduated cum laude. I've never been so proud of someone. Fifteen years ago he couldn't speak a word of English. The first person in his family to go to college. The first person in his county to leave the province for college. Now he has a Master's in education (he taught four years of high school English while working on that) and a prestigious and hard-earned law degree - oh and two children born in the middle of it all.
Last night Brad came home lugging a box. "You won't be seeing much of me this summer," he said. The he pulled out ten of the fattest books I've ever seen. "I have to memorize these for the bar exam in two months," he said.
My old pappy used to say that his old pappy used to say: It ain't over til the fat lady sings.
Congratulations to all of you for making it through!
Completely and totally an awesome story. I love it. Tell him to write a book. He didn't take his educational opportunities for granted like so many American born children/students.
Yeah for him! I am extremely proud of both of you. What a Phenomenal testimony.
We are so very happy for your family and proud of Brad. We toast from afar: Well done! to all of you! Yippee!
I think you should now give Brad the peace and quiet he needs to study. Sounds like a trip to Missouri is in order.
Yes, congratulations to all of you!!!
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