Wednesday, January 10, 2007

speaking with tongues

Thank you Dave Long (Faith in Fiction) for the link to this article in last Sunday's New York Times. I am taken with the processes by which our minds create and think and expound. We often forget the importance of the tongue - that the spoken word is the power by which God creates. Imagine God typing a memo to Michael: Bring me dirt that I may form man.

And for more on the typeset word, check out my new "button" to Shelfari (scroll down and to the right) which allows me to display my library. I'm still in the process of loading the isbn #'s, but it's way more fun than keeping my list in a suitcase! What's on your shelves?


Anonymous said...

That shelfari tool is neat! You'll have to share your technology secrets someday:)

Karen Miedrich-Luo said...

yeah right. Like grasshopper giving harmonious tips to the enlightened one.

Just go to, register, and virtually carpenter your own shelves;)