Tuesday, November 21, 2006

oh frabjous joy! callou! callay!

I'm holding in my hand the "it" that I've been pining for and I've been savoring every word. Brad (my husband, not to be confused with Brad the poetry editor) laughed at my absorption for I "already know what's in there." But I don't. Kimberly's introduction and Mick Silva's forward (both superbly written touchstones for why Relief exists), the layout and order of the content, the inside graphics and feel of the pages, and the majority of the poetry and fiction are all new to me. I truly am savoring every word and enjoying every minute (and I've only found one typo so far!). For those of you who don't get your copy before Thanksgiving, eat your heart out! And when you do, please post and tell me what you think.

(Title line from The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I am so proud of everyone that worked on this issue: Kimberly and Ben, Heather, Brad, Mark, all our spouses who gave their blessings, the writers, for they gave us their best work, and for the support of the writing community at large, for they are creating the buzz and then putting their money into subscriptions. Then when I saw the cover that Ars Graphica created for us, I knew it would fly. It is good. What a relief.